Monday, April 3, 2017

 The “ flipped classroom” is an alternative model for teaching students in K-12 and beyond.  The model is based on using classroom time for particular types of learning and allowing students, through video lectures to learn content at home on their own time and then come to class for more engaging forms of learning that can only be completed while students are in class.  This model allows educators more time to ensure student understanding of each concept and more well-rounded learning to occur for each student. 
Here is an example of an art history lecture that has been recorded and made available on YouTube to this instructors students in an AP art history course:

      One thing that I’ve never done in powerpoint before that I did in the first powerpoint project was a voice-over for the presentation. Whenever I needed to make a presentation that included personal narration I used movie-maker.  I have also never downloaded a design from the internet before—I chose one that showed organs in the body. The other project involved skills that I have used before in powerpoint. I thought that the idea of a hyperlink game is amazing for education—I actually did this for my first ILP with a flashcard-style game.

I enjoyed the second project more overall I enjoyed the fact that it was the game and I liked putting in all the animations and coming up with questions rather than a lesson. Next time,

I might try game that has slides for correct and incorrect answers like what would be seen with multiple-choice—I used jeopardy so maybe another type of game for the format.  I also liked adding the animations to the first project as well as doing the voiceover narration. This is not something that I’ve ever done in PowerPoint before and next time I think I would be better prepared for giving a good and well-timed narration.

Here are parts of my two power points:

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I liked the bookmarking tool in Diigo--this is useful for the site as a professional tool, but could also be useful in other respects. I did not like that i had to type out my tags every time I made a new one-a drop down menu with my preexisting tags would have been nice.

I will definitely use it in the future--I like that I can see what other people have found as well as sharing, this saves lots of time and gives me ideas I would not have thought of.

Monday, March 20, 2017

#8 Powerpoint in School

During the tour of the SDRC technology lab, I noticed one particular tool that I thought would be extraordinarily useful, not just for students with disabilities, but also for other students in schools.  The tool was the smart pen.  With this tool the student can Record a lecture (if there accommodation allows) as they write with the pen on a special notepad that will track the amount of time surpassed in the recording and match it up to the notes that the student has been taking with the pen.  This allows the student to listen to the lecture while reflecting on their notes at home and recall what the teacher was saying as they wrote a particular note. This could be extraordinarily helpful for students who are studying on their own time and need to recall what their instructor said or why they wrote a particular note.

PowerPoint use in Bloom’s taxonomy level for create in the classroom can be seen when a teacher or student produces their own original presentation containing their own content.  The evaluate level is achieved when the student produces work for a project (such as history fair) that defends a particular point our argument being made.  The analyze level is achieved when students create work that presents ideas that they have been learning in a new format.  The apply level is achieved when teachers use PowerPoint for more creative testing based uses such as classroom Jeopardy. The understand level is achieved when teachers use PowerPoint to guide their instruction and provide examples.  The remember level is achieved when students use PowerPoint to study and recall what they have learned in class.

 One website that might be useful for teachers who are interested in maintaining knowledge about the latest technology and tools that can be used in the classroom is called edutopia.  This website can be compared to diigo but with a focus on improving Technology in the classroom.  Teachers and other professionals involved in education can communicate with each other about the latest and most successful tools being used in the classroom.

 Here is the link:

ILP--Design Prezi

For my ILP this week, I decided to create the Prezzi presentation for the design category.  My prezzi presentation is it for a lesson on the elements of design for a 10th grade art class.  The content of my presentation is based on the CPalms standard VA.912.S.2 for visual arts: enduring understanding concerning skills and techniques.  This content is a comprehensive presentation of some very basic but important design techniques

Here’s the link to my presentation: